“Remember to spend more time in the things that stir our affections for the Lord and less time in those that rob us of Jesus” -AR


What Stirs Your Affections For the Lord?

  1. long runs
  2. hiking
  3. clouds, sunsets, stars, mountains
  4. laying across my bed doing nothing but thinking/listening
  5. good music with inspiring or thought-provoking lyrics, sometimes no lyrics at all
  6. authentic conversations with friends
  7. dancing
  8. random acts of kindness
  9. reading
  10. biking/walking/running early in the morning


What Steals Your Affections From the Lord?

  1. too much tv
  2. reading too much Christian commentary instead of merely reading the Bible
  3. stupid music
  4. worrying about the future
  5. my competitive nature
  6. allowing bad drivers to incite anger
  7. not getting enough sleep
  8. at times, an inability to focus on one thing